Courier Industry
Pacchi Costa Rica

Country Costa Rica

Based on the concept of quality and user safety, Pacchi Costa Rica has developed a service that, although traditional in Costa Rica, possesses and offers multiple benefits, starting with 100% safety in its shipments or deliveries. Providing users with unique quality and confidence, this company was created to collaborate with transportation for Costa Rican entrepreneurs, making this task more accessible and much safer.

First image: Pacchi Costa Rica Messenger with a bag.

The Challenge

Courier services are highly utilized and in high demand in Costa Rica, particularly among small businesses and entrepreneurs.

In the province of San Jose, the demand increases significantly, as it is the focal point for the sale of various items that need to be transported to different parts of the capital and the other 6 provinces.

This necessitates a service that is highly reliable, of top-notch quality, and secure.

The Solution

Pacchi Costa Rica is a company that provides this service at a very affordable cost for all entrepreneurs and small businesses in the capital.

Here, the security of products and the quality of service take precedence, offering a viable solution for those in need of such services. Effectively conveying what the company provides proved to be a challenge due to the high competition in the market, but we managed to capture that unique essence.

The Results

2000 K

Delivery expectations


Customer Estimates

+10.000 K

Packages Delivered

Since its launch, Pacchi Costa Rica has gained exposure in the capital and other provinces. On social media, it has achieved a high reach due to the quality and user-friendly platform of its website. They have surpassed 2000 deliveries per month since the beginning, resulting in a potential customer base of 102 clients, including entrepreneurs, companies, and individuals who require this excellent service. With a reach of over 10,000 packages delivered since its launch, they continue to grow, providing high value solutions for both the population and small businesses and entrepreneurs.